About EngVIPO
Osteochondral Injuries (OCI) is a challenging yet common clinical problem for orthopaedic surgeons worldwide and is associated with multiple clinical scenarios ranging from trauma to osteonecrosis. Strategies for functional tissue regeneration are still far from the clinics and should endeavour to heal the subchondral bone and joint interface and hyaline cartilage. Enhancing the understanding of the mechanisms that underlie OCI holds the potential to unlock ground-breaking advancements in therapeutic interventions.
EngVIPO addresses contemporary challenges in developing biofabricated of patient-specific implants for OCI regeneration. Multiple complimentary competencies and skills will be accomplished through research and know-how exchange and networking, training activities, thematic workshops/seminars, short-term and staff, secondments to partners, and expert visits.
EngVIPO involves an international and complimentary consortium led by 3B’s Research Group, University of Minho, in collaboration with partners from University of Kragujevac, Serbia, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Germany, University of Krakow, Poland, University of Granada, Spain, Sun Yat-sen University, China, Ti-com company, Poland, and a non-profit association from Portugal.

Expected Impact
This project is specifically dedicated to overcoming challenges in the treatment of injured OC tissues by introducing novel, cost-effective biomaterials and bioinks designed for sustainable, long-term impact. Specific objectives include:
- i) Treatments/therapeutics defined through machine learning to predict accurate disease diagnosis in OC
- ii) Mechanistic computational models of physico-chemical and biological phenomena such as bio-degradation and drug release, to address the clinical needs
- iii) Biofabrication of personalised implants
- iv) Optimized cryo-bioprinting and biobanking protocols
- v) OA and OC tissue 3D models development
EngVIPO tackles current challenges in the realm of biofabricated patient-specific implants with enhanced vascularity and functionality, concerning scientific expertise and collaborations with renowned institutions for OC tissue engineering, within the interdisciplinary domains of 3D computational modelling, advanced manufacturing, 3D in vitro models, and nanotechnology, and boosting clinical translation of the tissue engineered products. The project is focused on catapult knowledge exchange and create research synergies on the development of innovative biomaterials and bioinks, emerging technologies, biobanks and personalized medicine, for the complete regeneration and establishment of normal function of injured/diseased OC tissue.

- Final conference on Engineering Vascularized Implants for Personalised Osteochondral Tissue Regeneration: From medical imaging to pre-clinical validation
- WSH1.1. Ethics in research
- WSH3.1. Quantitative XRD by Rietveld refinement combined with the G-factor method
- WSH5.1. Personalised Medicine - Selective Therapies for Molecular Targets
- VWSH6.1 (Virtual). Spheroids/Organoids in vitro models and Biobanks
- S1.1. Advanced strategies for treatment of OA
- S1.2. Hackaton event
- S2.1. Machine learning as an emerging technology valuable and helpful to close the gap between bioengineered approaches and the clinical setting
- S4.1. Resorbable polymers/ceramics processing into scaffolds for bone/cartilage tissue engineering

The project EngVIPO - Engineering Vascularized Implants for Personalised Osteochondral Tissue Regeneration: From medical imaging to pre-clinical validation has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01-01) under the Grant Agreement Number 101183041. This website reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains
Copyright © 2025 EngVIPO Project || 3B's Research Group in Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics